Gilmour Primary School

Latest News


Welcome to our roundup of what’s been happening at Gilmour Primary since the start of our new term.

6T are enjoying their first CUSP art topic. We have been drawing vegetables using different media.

This week in Computing 6M have been learning about how data is shared across networks in data packets. They have been busy sending their messages across the classroom and being part of server networks.

Year 1 have been investigating the seasons and looking for signs that the seasons are changing. We talked about how the seasons change through the year and worked out which months were in each season. 

This half term 1J will learn to play the ukulele! Our first session taught us how to hold the instrument, how to use our ‘plucking finger’ and the four notes G, C, E,A. We had so much fun playing our first piece of music.”

Nursery have had a lovely time finding out about families.

In 1O we have been exploring atlas’s and globes to learn about the 7 continents

5T Have had a fantastic start to the new year. Last week they enjoyed learning the ghost parade playing our glockenspiels and signing along. 

This week 5T have been continuing our art topic of drawing and painting. Studying Hundertwasser and his colourful abstract landscapes recreating them and enlarging an image using our viewfinders. 

his week in Science 6M we’re looking at the movements of electrical current. We made our own circuits using a variety of components.

6S have been enjoying sketching portraits in art.