Attendance Policy
Gilmour Junior School recognises the clear link between the attendance and achievement of pupils. The aim of this policy, is to encourage the highest possible levels of attendance and punctuality for pupils within Gilmour Junior School to support learning and development.
The importance of attendance and punctuality is underpinned by an awareness of safeguarding issues. It is important to see our children every day and provide an educationally safe and secure environment.
To gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that all pupils attend regularly and on time. Pupils should aim to attend every day that the school is open. We set a target for all pupils to aim for 100% attendance with the expectation all pupils achieve at least 97%. As a school we define regular attendance as 97% or above.
Gilmour Junior School believes Teachers, Parents, Carers, Pupils and all members of Gilmour Junior School community have an important contribution in improving attendance and punctuality ensuring pupils attend to achieve.