Gilmour Primary School

After School Clubs

School Clubs, Teams and Enrichment

At Gilmour we pride ourselves in offering a wide range of clubs, teams and enrichment to further our development. These come in the form of a mixture of the arts and sports.

Clubs will run termly and you can apply for a place each term. Our afterschool and lunchtime clubs are run by our amazing teachers and teaching assistants. We also offer some fantastic opportunities for children to take up learning a musical instrument or singing with our wonderful MAGS (Music at Gilmour).

How are places allocated? 

Children are allocated places randomly with different children allocated places each time. We aim to ensure that as many children as possible are able to attend clubs across the course of the year.

As our clubs are often aimed at two year groups this does impact the number of places available to each year group.

Club cancellation

At Gilmour Juniors we offer extra curricula clubs, we do not offer child care. Some times clubs will need to cancelled at very short notice due to staff absence.  

Please continue to check this page for up and coming clubs and how to apply for places.