Latest News
Gilmour Newsletter – weekending 1st March

We hope you enjoy our latest newsletter! It has been a busy week!
World Book Week
Next week we will enjoy World Book Week. There is an exciting activity planned each day. The original letter is available to download below.
School Photographs – Wednesday 6th March
On Wednesday 6th March the school photographer will be in school. The original letter is available to download below:
Parent Governor Elections
Voting for the election of Parent Governors closes at 3pm on Friday 8th March. You will have received an email with a username and password to enable you to log in and cast your vote.
The details of the candiates has been shared via the app but are also available to download below.
A round up of our weekly classroom news!
5T Have been learning some new choreography in dance lessons to Physical by Dua Lipa!

We have all been enjoying playing with our new playground equipment on the yard!

This week, 3G have been exploring unit fractions and denominators. We compared fractions with different denominators to see which were less than, greater than or equal to.

RD have loved teaching phonics to our friends!

A big bad wolf left a mess in our classroom! We decided we had to set a trap.

The children in year 2 had a very exciting science lesson this week!
2R – We had to test if oil and water would mix. We noticed that the oil bubbled and left a thin layer at the top and did not mix with the water.

2C -enjoyed seeing what happens when you mix oil and water in Science this week. We learned that people used to rub oil onto their clothes to make them waterproof! A man named Charles Macintosh invented a waterproof coat nearly 200 years ago so thankfully we don’t have to do that anymore!

4S have been having lots of fun in Science this week making circuits.

5W Had the task of creating a scene of a miserable city in English

6T have started their new art topic-Pop Art!

4D working hard learning sign language!

A few of our students enjoying a fun Road Safety lesson.

This week we introduced the Nursery children to the work of Jackson Pollock.