Gilmour Primary School

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Gilmour Primary Weekly Update Sheet: Week ending 4th October

Dear families,

We hope you are well and have a lovely week We have a had a really busy week at Gilmour! We hope that you enjoy our latest newsletter!


Tell us about it!

We really love to hear about what the children are getting up to outside of school. If you have something that you would like to share and have featured in our newsletter / Twitter / Instagram and mentioned in our assembly please send a photo and a description including:

  • Who it is (We will only use first names in our newsletters / social media)
  • Which class
  • A brief description of the event

We love to know about:

  • Exciting places visited
  • Events outside of school
  • Books your child is enjoying and why (It might encourage others to read the same book)

Please send your photos to:

We look forward to sharing some of your exciting news next week!

Reminders for next week and beyond:

  • Open evenings for children due to start school in September: We have events on Tuesday 8th October, Thursday 17th October and Tuesday 22nd October. If you would you like to come along or know a family who would please email or call 0151 427 6306 – we look forward to seeing you!

Events we have been involved in:

Last week our Year 3 and 4 boys took part in a football tournament at Stockton Wood Primary.

This week our Y5/6 football team took place in a tournament at Stockton Wood Primary. 

What has been happening in our busy school this week?

RQ love our Sign language lessons. We have learned the colours of the rainbow and Old Mc Donald in sign! 

Class RQ have loved retelling the Opening Octopus of the story ‘The Something’. We have used the story pictures and our opening octopus story friend to help us. 

In Maths we have been comparing objects using the vocabulary heavier, lighter, longer, shorter and taller.

Class RA have been very busy learning lots of new phonics sounds, and we have been visiting our finger gym to get our fingers ready to write.

RD have been enjoying making words during phonics!

1J: In science we asked the question: Why does day become night? As scientists we explained that the Earth rotates once a day. We now know that when the side of the Earth is facing the Sun, we have daylight and when the side of Earth faces away from the Sun we have night-time.

In Science, 1T have been learning about the parts of a plant.  They enjoyed observing and investigating different seeds.

2M explored our school grounds to investigate which microhabitats we can find different minibeasts in.

2C had a fantastic Science lesson this week. We learned all about micro habitats and macro habitats. We went out into our well-being garden to search for mini beasts in their micro habitats. We found mini beasts under logs, under rocks, in bushes and in the soil. We also learned how to take a good photograph in our Computing lessons. We learned that we must position our photograph, frame it and ensure that the subject is clear. 

2R absolutely loved their maths party on Friday! 

In DT we have been exploring how to to join different materials with a running stitch and over stitch

3LG showing lots of resilience whilst making boxes out of fabric.

4S had a great morning learning how to be amazing journalists from Rex’s mum. 

4MD enjoyed beginning to learn their second song with Deaf Active this week. They are doing a super job!

5T: This week we started our DT topic of food and nutrition. We made flatbreads which were delicious. Some of us even loved the garlic butter! 

5W made flatbread with garlic butter in their Design and Technology lesson this week.

5B enjoyed making Flatbreads in DT.

6T enjoyed their visit to the Walker Art Gallery and World Museum. It was a great day out ,learning all about Tudor portraits and classification of animals.

6M had a brilliant trip to the Walker Art Gallery and World Museum. We learned all about Tudor Portraits and animal classification! 

6S enjoyed their trip to the Museum and Art Gallery where they: learnt about and classified invertebrates; investigated Tudor portraits and had a go a a ‘Goblin Portrait’