Gilmour Primary School

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Gilmour Primary – Weekly Update: Week ending 27th September

Dear families,

We hope that you enjoy our news letter this week. It has certainly been very busy at Gilmour Primary School!

Reminders for this week:


In the afternoon 2M are walking around the local area.

After school there is a cross country race at Newsham Park.


Year 6 trip to the Walker Art Gallery and World Museum.

What has been happening in our busy school this week?

Nursery have been super sliding superstars in the Nursery garden.

RD loved their first PE lesson!

2M have been answering the question ‘What is alive and what is not?’

2R In Art we have been looking at the work of Beth Krommes. We have been mark making using different techniques such as crosshatching and stippling and have responded to different stimulus and genre of music. 

In 2R we have been practising working scientifically and observing with all of our senses!

In our science lessons in 2R, we explored our local environment to find things that were alive, dead or had never been alive.

3G have been working hard in Maths and English.

3LG have been drawing and painting in art over the last three weeks.

This week 5B conducted a science experiment to separate sand, pebbles and metal.