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Newsletter – week ending 27th October 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a busy first half term at ‘Gilmour Primary School’. We have all enjoyed ‘Learning and Growing Together’. A number of visitors in school have commented on how polite, kind and knowledgeable our children are – well done Team Gilmour!
In this newsletter:
Dates for your diary
Reading Ambassadors
School Prefects
Resilience – School Value Celebration Day
Maths Party
Poppy Appeal
Wellbeing Garden in the Infant Department
Photos from around our school
Community news
Dates for your diary:
Monday 6th November: Year 3 Burwardsley Stone Age History trip
On Monday 6th November children from Year 3 will visit Burwardsley as part of their history unit looking at Prehistoric Britain.
Could all children please arrive at the main school office at 8:30am where they will be met by a member of staff. Children are to wear their PE kits and tracksuits as well as suitable outdoor footwear and a waterproof coat.
Friday 10th November: Own Clothes Day: Children are welcome to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for £1 donation toward the Gilmour Primary School Christmas Fair.
Friday 17th November: Own Clothes Day: Children are welcome to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for:
If your child is in the Infants Department – a chocolate bar.
If your child is the Junior Department – soft drinks in cans.
Friday 24th November: Own Clothes Day: Children are welcome to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for:
If your child is in the Infants Department – bottled drinks for the bottle tombola.
If your child is in the Junior Department – unopened gift sets
Friday 1st December: Own Clothes Day: Children are welcome to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for a donation of cakes (Either shop bought or homemade).
Friday 1st December: Gilmour Primary School Christmas Fair: This will be hosted at the Junior Department. Details of times and how to buy tickets will be shared soon.
Reading Ambassadors
A massive well done to all children who put themselves forward to become a Reading Ambassador. It was a pleasure to listen to the children’s speeches who spoke passionately about reading. Congratulations to the children who were elected by their peers. After half term all Reading Ambassadors will be invited to a meeting with Miss Duffy and Mrs Tynan to think about how we can further improve reading in our school.
School Prefects
At Gilmour Primary School we pride ourselves on the outstanding behaviour of the children. We encourage all children to follow the school rules. After half Term 2 children from each class in Years 1 – 6 will be selected by class teachers to be school ambassadors for outstanding behaviour. School prefects will meet with members of the senior leadership team to discuss how we can further improve behaviour in school. They will also be involved with organising games at playtime and lunchtime and will encourage and model our school values.
School Council
We are extremely proud of all the children who presented their school council speeches on Thursday. Each class balloted for their school councillors.
Resilience – School Value Celebration Day
Today, we have celebrated our school value ‘Resilience’. The children enjoyed taking part in a number of activities during the day exploring both their own resilience and finding out how famous people, either real or fictional, have shown resilience in their lives.
Maths Party
Thank you to all families who supported our school maths party and McMillian Fund Raising event. We raised over £1, 200 for an amazing charity. The children thoroughly enjoyed having their families in school.
Poppy Appeal
From Monday 6th November we will be selling Poppies in school to support the Royal British Legion and to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
Wellbeing Garden
We are delighted to share that over half term work started on our Key Stage 1 ‘Gilmour Wellbeing and Happiness Garden’. The garden will promote our school values, appreciation, enjoyment, health, unique, ambition and resilience. We aim to create a peaceful, inviting space that nurtures wellbeing and encourages social contact and friendships. An area for children to reflect, play, grow and explore. The garden will incorporate many of the children’s ideas. Including seating areas to encourage relaxation, a sensory area consisting of materials, textures, colours and a variety of scented plants which will help create a feeling of being away from stresses, worries and anxieties.
Here are some photos of the garden so far.
Photos from around our school:
Year 4 had a great time in Science making Ooblek (a mixture of cornflour and water) to investigate how some things can change state when pressure is applied. It was messy (sorry) but lots of fun!
Year 5 had great fun carrying out an investigation in Science.
Year 6 enjoyed Freeze framing one of our pictures from our English Story Rose Blanche.
Community News
Charlie in Year 5 drew a picture of the Titanic, we think it is amazing! Well done Charlie!
St Mary’s Church Christmas Fair
If your child has some news that you would like to share through our newsletter please email:
We would like to wish all children and families a safe and enjoyable Autumn Half Term. We hope you all have fun making memories and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 6th November.
Thank you all for your continued support.