Pupil Premium Strategy
Gilmour Junior School is a warm and welcoming community, which gives every child the opportunity to flourish.
Learners build upon their interests and are supported to become valuable contributors to their future communities.
Our aim is to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential regardless of their socio-economic background. Gilmour Junior School is committed to working together to provide effective, targeted support t overcome barriers to learning and promote academic achievement.
Our objectives are:
- Ensure all pupils read fluently and with good understanding to enable to access the breadth of the curriculum.
- Narrow the gaps between disadvantaged pupils and their non-disadvantaged counter parts.
- Remove the barriers to learning created by poverty, family circumstance and background.
- Access a wide range of opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world.
We will achieve this by:
- Provide all teachers with high quality CPD to ensure that pupils access effective quality first teaching.
- Ensure effective assessment is at the core of practice to enable every individual pupil to be monitored.
- Action early intervention at the point the need is identified using robust assessment methods and thus ensure this can be measured for impact.
- Providing additional SLT capacity to allow dedicated time to improve attendance and fostering links with parents of disadvantaged pupils.
- Support payments for enrichment opportunities to ensure all pupils can access these – music lessons, sports activities, residential/day trips and extra-curricular clubs.
- Provide appropriate nurture support to promote positive mental health and thus enable pupils to access learning within and beyond the classroom.
We will teach a broad and balanced curriculum in all subjects to all of our children, including enhancing learning from enrichment and wider experiences, such as educational visits and visitors to the school. We are committed to evidence-informed practice and will base all decisions relating to Pupil Premium upon robust evidence and professional expertise. We will base any intervention on robust and diagnostic assessments of what pupils know and understand as well as unpicking misconceptions and insecure knowledge, enabling effective support to be put in place. These interventions will be carefully monitored for impact and reviewed in response to outcomes. Our Pupil Premium Strategy will align with our Covid Recovery Plan and School Development Plan and should be read alongside these two documents, as part of the whole school strategy. It is also closely assimilated with the following policies: Staff Appraisal and CPD, Assessment, Curriculum, SEND/Inclusion, Sports Premium. We will be utilising the EEF’s recommended Tiered Planning Model to target provision in the following areas:
Quality first teaching – enhancing the quality of teaching through: high impact staff professional development; curriculum prioritisation and embedding whole class, well-evidenced high impact teaching approaches, including:
Targeted academic support – accurately targeted use of well-evidenced high impact interventions, based on high quality assessments, to support pupils in ‘catching up’. Interventions will be explicitly linked to classroom learning and will use systems for effective feedback to ensure a coherent learning experience.
Wider support – these strategies will focus upon ‘levels to attainment’ including: mental health and emotional well-being; learning behaviours and social and emotional learning; attendance and punctuality; and family support.