Gilmour Primary School

Latest News

Weekly Update – Week ending 11th October 2024

Dear families,

We hope that you have a lovely weekend. We hope that you enjoy our newsletter too!


Tell us about it!

We really love to hear about what the children are getting up to outside of school. If you have something that you would like to share and have featured in our newsletter / Twitter / Instagram and mentioned in our assembly please send a photo and a description including:

  • Who it is (We will only use first names in our newsletters / social media)
  • Which class
  • A brief description of the event

We love to know about:

  • Exciting places visited
  • Events outside of school
  • Books your child is enjoying and why (It might encourage others to read the same book)

Please send your photos to:

We look forward to sharing some of your exciting news next week!

Reminders for next week:

  • Monday is National Nursery Rhyme Day for nursery and reception. Which favourite nursery rhyme character will your child come dressed as?
  • Tuesday and Wednesday – we look forward to seeing you for parents evening.
  • Thursday – we look forward to showing new families around our school as part of our Open Afternoon for admissions in 2024/2025. Do tell your friends!

Your news!

In the school holidays, Tessa and Bella (along with Pippa and their two cousins Oriel and Everly) did a table sale in aid of Make a Wish Foundation. They sold handmade gifts/art/craft along with toys, white elephant, clothes, plants and cakes and made a staggering £1375 for the charity in a matter of hours.

They have written to the charity to inform them of what they did and have today received recognition from the charity for their hard work. They got a certificate, badge and handwritten thank you card to each of them. 

Isla in year 6 has asked me to send over some photos of an amazing adventure she had last weekend in London. With her drama class PQA she had the opportunity to perform on the West End in His Majesty’s Theatre. They performed a show written for them called ‘Across the line’. 

She had a mic and lots of lines as well as some dancing. She did amazing and delivered all her lines superbly. 

Football Competition

Our Year 1 and 2 children did a fantastic job of representing our school at a football competition on Tuesday. They scored lots of goals, made lots of saves and won lots of matches! Well done! 

News from around busy school…

Class RQ have enjoyed celebrating different cultures this week. We have enjoyed making cards, decorations and eating special food!

RD have been using our Story Friends (Opening Octopus and Build Up Bear) to plan what we are going to write about the story.

Reception have loved performing our story song to help us retell The Something by Rebecca Cobb. 

This week in RA, we have been putting our phonics knowledge into practise with a game of buried treasure! In maths, we made some super repeating patterns using spare parts and we retold the problem penguin part of our story. We also learnt about how different families celebrate different events by dressing up, making special food and having parties. 

1T have been busy in Design and Technology learning how to make a moving picture using a slider.

Class 1O have been learning about plants. We learnt about the parts of a plant and looked for seeds in different fruits. 

2C have learned how to sew in our D.T lessons! We learned that appliqué is a way that we can repurpose items of clothing. We used a template to create the shapes that we needed to make a house. To join our pieces of fabric together, we used a running stitch. 

We’ve been practising throwing and catching in 2M. The children were so resilient!

2R We have been practising repurposing different materials and joining them with running stitch and over stitch

2R: We have been exploring taking both landscape and portrait pictures in our computing lessons.

Some amazing homework superstars in 2R! 

3M’s Textile Creations

This week, our Year 3 class, 3M, had a blast exploring textiles in their Design Technology lessons. They put their creative juices to work and crafted impressive cloth boxes. It was amazing to see their hands-on skills and innovative ideas come to life! 

Messy maths in 3LG – adding 10s across a 100

3G have been investigating rocks in Science.

3G enjoyed their painting this week and explored sgraffito, tonking and impasto paint.

This week Y5 enjoyed doing the cross country race, many of us are now interested in joining the team! 

5T: This week in PHSE we have been learning how to work as a team by building the tallest tower, then making some group rules that we can all follow. We all showed lots of resilience by not giving up!