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Weekly Update – Week ending 18th October 2024
Dear families,
We hope that you have a lovely weekend. We hope that you enjoy our newsletter too!
- We were really excited to announce our After School Wrap Around Care this week. The provision will start in January 2025. To read more about this please click here:

On Friday 25th October we will be raising money for Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice. Children are invited to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for a cash donation. All money raised will go to Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice.
Tell us about it!
We really love to hear about what the children are getting up to outside of school. If you have something that you would like to share and have featured in our newsletter / Twitter / Instagram and mentioned in our assembly please send a photo and a description including:
- Who it is (We will only use first names in our newsletters / social media)
- Which class
- A brief description of the event
We love to know about:
- Exciting places visited
- Events outside of school
- Books your child is enjoying and why (It might encourage others to read the same book)
Please send your photos to:
We look forward to sharing some of your exciting news next week!
Reminders for next week:
- Tuesday or Wednesday – Reception Stay and Play at 2pm – please book via our parent app.
- Tuesday – we look forward to showing new families around our school as part of our Open Afternoon for admissions in 2024/2025. Do tell your friends!
- Thursday – Whole school council elections. Children are invited to present speeches in front of their class.
- Thursday – Reception Reading Meeting 4:15pm at Gilmour Infant Department
- Thursday – Nursery Diwali party: Children are invited to come to school in party clothes.
- Friday – Resilience Celebration Day/ Raising money for Zoe’s Place. Children are invited to come to school wearing their own clothes in return for a cash donation to Zoe’s Place. All money raised will go to Zoe’s Place.
Your news!
Last weekend Daniel faced his fears and was very brave holding a snake at Windmill Farm. He has set himself a challenge to hold a tarantula on our next visit.

Max from Year 4 went to the wwe wrestling this week to see his favourite wrestler Cody Rhodes. He managed to get right in front of the ring and Cody signed his sign for him!

Matilda from year 6 wanted to share that she went indoor skydiving over the weekend!

Our Sporting achievements….
News from around our school….
This week our Y5/6 Girls football team won a tournament ran by the South Liverpool School Sports Network. Our team played with resilience, determination and skills. Well done girls!

This week our Y5/6 Boys football team competed in the Premier League Primary Stars football tournament ran by Everton FC. After a great day and some great football played we finished in 4th place. Well done boys!

Class RQ had so much fun celebrating nursery rhyme day.
In Maths, we have been learning to recognise and write he numbers 1,2 and 3

RA: What a fabulous week we have had! We had a great time dressed up as our favourite nursery rhyme characters, We created performances of our favourite rhymes with music and actions. We decorated pumpkins with paint and used our 1,2,3 dice to help us create some artwork.

1J: “We have observed the different types of seeds found inside fruits and now know that the purpose of the flower is to produce seeds. We ‘quizzed’ our partners about the purpose of each part of a plant, including roots, stem, leaf and flower.”

In 2M we used our observational skills to notice small details about the plants in our school grounds.

2R: In our PE lessons, we have been working on perfecting our throwing and catching skills.

3G: Performing our poetry from book club this week and investigating what makes up soil in science.

3LG have been learning about computer networks this week. This culminated in a tour around the school looking at the different components of our network.

In Science, 1T have been investigating and finding out about plants.

3M has been having a blast in PE this week, putting their dodgeball skills to the test with a series of agility challenges. From weaving through obstacles to aiming flying balls, the students have been working hard to improve their speed, reflexes, and teamwork.

4S have been enjoying making pizza and bread in DT.

5B hard at work making predictions for our new English text.

5W loved making (and eating) their Mezze bowl in Food Technology this week!

5T: This week we have been making predictions about our new English topic, thinking about what clues the items can give us. We had some great ideas and can’t wait for the book to be revealed.

5T: We have enjoyed designing, making and evaluating our Meze bowls in DT this week. Here are our final products which were delicious and looked great!

6T had fun making samosas this week.

6S enjoyed making Samosas in DT!