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Newsletter – week ending 10th November

Dear parents and carers,
Thank you for all of your support this week. It has been a very busy week at Gilmour Primary School with lots going on.
We hope that you enjoy this newsletter.
Joanne Duffy David Kirby Chris McDonald
Deputy Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Headteacher
In this newsletter you will find:
Dates for your diary
Trouble accessing the newsletter
Whole school attendance by class
PHSE Policy Consultation
TT Rockstars Rockstars battle
Anti Bullying Week
Nursery Rhyme Day
Bikeability for year 6 children
What has been going on in our busy school this week
Community News
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Dates for your diary
Friday 17th November: Own Clothes Day: Children are welcome to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for:
If your child is in the Infants Department – a chocolate bar.
If your child is in the Junior Department – soft drinks in cans.
Friday 24th November: Own Clothes Day: Children are welcome to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for:
If your child is in the Infants Department – bottled drinks for the bottle tombola.
If your child is in the Junior Department – unopened gift sets
Friday 1st December: Own Clothes Day: Children are welcome to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for a donation of cakes (Either shop bought or homemade).
Friday 1st December: Gilmour Primary School Christmas Fair: This will be hosted at the Junior Department. Details of times and how to buy tickets will be shared soon.
A full list of all dates for the Autumn term can be found by following this link:
Trouble accessing the newsletter:
A number of parents have contacted the school to say that they struggled to access the newsletter. We can only apologise for this. The access issues were caused by our website crashing soon after the newsletter was sent.
We have contacted our website provider who is looking into what caused our website to crash and to prevent it happening in the future.
Personal, Social, Health Education (PHSE) Policy Consultation
We are consulting parents on our Personal, Social, Health Education (PHSE) Policy. The consultation opens today and will close at 12pm on the 1st of December.
You can find our policy and link to the consultation here.
TT Rocktars – Year 3 to Year 6
Mrs Stanton has set a class vs class TT Rockstars times table battle! Log in and see if you can help your class become victorious!
Anti-Bullying Week
Next week is Anti- Bullying Week. The theme is ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’. This is an opportunity for schools to raise awareness about bullying and to highlight ways of preventing and responding to it.
Flu Immunisations
A reminder that on Tuesday 14th November School Health will be visiting to administer Flu Immunisations (Nasal Spray) to those children whose families have completed the online consent form. Please be assured that school staff will be present to offer support and comfort to those children who may need it.
National Nursery Rhyme Day
On Monday 13th November Nursery and Reception will be celebrating National Nursery Rhyme Week. We are looking forward to an action packed day filled with rhythm and rhyme activities. Children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite nursery rhyme character. Please do not go to the expense of buying new costumes, this is a fun activity to celebrate all the activities and rhymes we will be singing.
We are excited to be working with BikeRight to offer Bikeability Level 1/2 combined.
BikeRight will be running sessions in school from Monday 13th November-Friday 24th November.
Wellbeing Ambassadors
Wellbeing Ambassador elections will take place on Friday 17th November. We are looking forward to listening to the children’s speeches. Good luck to all children!
Diwali Celebrations
There has been much excitement in school today as we celebrated Diwali, The Festival of Light! We wish all our families a very Happy Diwali!
What has been going on in our busy school this week
Lots going on in Nursery!

RD have been celebrating Diwali by making fireworks, Diwa lamps and Mendhi patterns

RQ have loved investigationg Diwali, making Mehndi Patters and making pictures for Bonfire Night.

This week RT have enjoyed making firework pictures, celebrating Diwali and learning about Remembrance Day.

Class 1A have enjoyed Colour Mixing in Art, dissecting Fruit and Vegetables in Science and painting in the style of Piet Mondrian.

Class 1O have been busy!

In class 2J the children have loved becoming historians for the day by investigating old and new photographic evidence of ‘The Liverpool High Street.’ This has helped the children develop a clearer understanding of the past.

2C enjoyed learning about how to sort animals according to whether they are a vertebrate or an invertebrate. They sorted a variety of animals into the correct group.

We have had lots of fun in 2R this week!
We started our new topic in Science ‘Animals including humans.’ For our first lesson, we had to classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
In DT, we explored different Christmas decorations and drew our favourites.
In PE, we practised different ways of controlling the ball. This week we practised rolling and throwing.

3G loved their trip to Burwardsly this week, we learned all about the Stone Age and even hunted some mammoths!

3M have been enjoying adding and subtracting using the column method. 3M have now been finding number bonds to 100

3G loved their trip to Burwardsly this week.

Children in 4D enjoyed mark making in art this week!

In 4S PSHE this week, we played a role play game and gave our classmates some ‘interesting’ actions to perform. It was great fun!

4P have been mark making in art this week.

Class 5W: In maths we are learning how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers.

This week, in 5T, we looked at personification of the weather to give us ideas for writing a short poem and to use in our final piece of work.

5B were excited to start swimming again after the half term break!

6T re-enacting a boat scene from our new class novel A Story like the Wind

6Sn working extremely hard to beat their previous score on their arithmatic test.

This week in Art 6M have been using different pencils, charcoal and oil pastels to create different effects. We have been practising our blending, smudging and tone in preparation for our new topic of self-portraits!

A great first session in art club with Mrs McVerry!

This week our Year 6 boys football team played Bishop Eton Primary as part of the KMC football league. We had brilliant performances across the pitch from our Gilmour team!

Community News
Jacob and Ellis from Year 6 Climbed Moel Famau With Their Football Team Mates – Mossley Hill Athletics To Raise Money For Their Winter Kits.

If your child has some news that you would like to share through our newsletter please email:
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