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Weekly Update – week ending 25th October 2024
Dear families,
We hope that you have a lovely weekend. We hope that you enjoy our newsletter too!
Tell us about it!
We really love to hear about what the children are getting up to outside of school. If you have something that you would like to share and have featured in our newsletter / Twitter / Instagram and mentioned in our assembly please send a photo and a description including:
- Who it is (We will only use first names in our newsletters / social media)
- Which class
- A brief description of the event
We love to know about:
- Exciting places visited
- Events outside of school
- Books your child is enjoying and why (It might encourage others to read the same book)
Please send your photos to:
We look forward to sharing some of your exciting news next week!
Reminders for next week: (Week beginning 4th November)
- Friday 8th November – own clothes day in exchange for £1 (Raising money for the Christmas fair)
- Friday 8th November – Wrap around care “Request for a place” form goes live.
Your news!
Jake had a fantastic weekend with his old Nursery Friends at the Sefton Park spooky Wellie Walk raising Money for Roy Castle Cancer Foundation.

Betty practiced some of her French she has been learning in class, visiting Paris. Enjoyed getting to see some of the monuments and architecture. Such as Louvre Pyramid. Violet in RQ was bouncing with excitement of her favourite Disney character greeting her at Disney land.

Eve completed a 6 mile walk with Kate’s costal walk team on Saturday to raise money and awareness about Zoe’s place. We walked from the pier head to Zoe’s place where we got to meet some of the children and parents.

This is Rafa and his football teammates did a 2k run to raise money for Zoe’s Place. The team raised over £1200.

On 19th of October Mark and Nika (Year 6 and Year 4) were running Lidl Mudder North West in aid of Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice and their emergency campaign for a new home.

Our Sporting Achievements!
This week, our Year 5 and 6 girls team won a Premier League schools football tournament ran by Everton FC. Our girls team won every game they played and only conceded one goal. This was a fantastic effort by the team and we look forward to being back in action in the next round of the tournament being held at Finch Farm in the new year! Well done girls!

News from around our busy school!
In 5T We have finished our painting unit and these are our final pieces of work. We are all very pleased!

6S have been learning about the effect of exercise on their pulse rate; considering how fit they are and what they can do to improve their cardiovascular fitness.

4DM have been learning a new song to practice the 6 times table this week. We love trying to sing it as fast as we can!
4S enjoying learning sign language with Deaf Active.

2C: In our D.T lessons this week we have learned a new type of stitch … overstitch! We joined our pieces of fabric together using overstitch to make a patchwork pattern. In English, we worked together in pairs to give each other feedback on the things we had done well and some suggestions of what we could include in our writing next time.

2C were so resilient in our P.E lesson this week! We practised using skipping ropes, learning how to hold a skipping rope properly, turn it over our heads and jump over the rope. We had so much fun and know that if we keep practising we will get the hang of it!

Nursery have loved learning about Diwali. We have been making Rangoli patterns, preparing special food for our party, exploring firework creations and decorating our Home Corner. We even know some special songs and dances!

This week in 5W we have had school council elections and have been making irreversible changes in Science.

RD have loved learning about Autumn this week!

This week, £M class has been having a blast in their Design and Technology lessons! They’ve been busy creating a variety of props using different techniques to make their fabrics stronger and stiffer. The students have been experimenting with various methods to bring their designs to life. It’s been a fun and engaging experience for all!

2R – We had a scavenger hunt in our English lesson. We split into teams to look for expanded noun phrases, adverbs, apostrophes for possession and conjunctions. We then had a go at putting the phrases we found into sentences!

2R – We had a fantastic resilience day! We learnt about Hellen Keller and how she was resilient for her entire life. We had a go and feeling some braille and had a chance to write our names in braille too.

RA: This week we have been learning about the different seasons. We learnt about how our environment changes in autumn time using the text ‘The Squirrels Who Squabbled’. We created places for animals to hibernate, and we also enjoyed lots of autumn activities as part of our Stay & Play.