Latest News
Weekly Update – Week ending 29th November
We hope that you have a lovely weekend. We hope that you enjoy our newsletter too!
Tell us about it!
We really love to hear about what the children are getting up to outside of school. If you have something that you would like to share and have featured in our newsletter / Twitter / Instagram and mentioned in our assembly please send a photo and a description including:
- Who it is (We will only use first names in our newsletters / social media)
- Which class
- A brief description of the event
We love to know about:
- Exciting places visited
- Events outside of school
- Books your child is enjoying and why (It might encourage others to read the same book)
Please send your photos to:
We look forward to sharing some of your exciting news next week!
Reminders for next week: (Week beginning 25th November)
Harri presenting his group work to the class in computing lesson.
We were so lucky in 2C this week to receive a visit from the main character in out story…William! We had the opportunity to ask him lots of questions about the owl tree he discovered. We then imagined we were William, discovering the new trees on Grimloch Lane each morning. We were filled with awe, feeling perplexed and couldn’t take our eyes of the trees.
4P have had a brilliant time writing, rehearsing and performing poetry for the festival of spoken language.
6M have had a wonderful time presenting work on the Circulatory System during the spoken word festival on Thursday this week. The children set themselves the challenge of not reading any information but instead remembering and recalling it! They worked hard on their language choice, intonation, volume and pause points!
Nursery have been creating sounds both on their own and with others.
3G making our chips in DT and working hard writing for out new English display.
Keziah and Asher both did their piano concert this weekend and were amazing!
Also Keziah has been raising money for cash for kids. Her and her cousins raised over £500! This weekend they spent the money and were able to make 37 gift hampers for children in our city!