Welcome to Year 2
Miss Calvert, Miss McKibbin and Miss Crosby would like to welcome you to Year 2.
Ms Alexander, Mrs Slater, Miss Wonderly and Miss Gilbert will be supporting your children this year.
We are here to help. If you would like to contact us, the quickest and easiest way is to contact the school office and they will pass the message onto ourselves.
Enjoy looking around our Year 2 page.
Parental Curriculum Guide
These guides are intended to help parents understand what will be taught during this each half term. Obviously, it would be impossible to set out in detail everything your child would learn, but by providing an outline of typical content and some background information about how the curriculum works, hopefully it will help you support your children in making the most of their education. This outline may be subject to change, as teachers adapt planning based on the needs of their class. Any questions, please speak to your class teacher.