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Weekly Update – Week ending 15th November
We hope that you have a lovely weekend. We hope that you enjoy our newsletter too!
Tell us about it!
We really love to hear about what the children are getting up to outside of school. If you have something that you would like to share and have featured in our newsletter / Twitter / Instagram and mentioned in our assembly please send a photo and a description including:
- Who it is (We will only use first names in our newsletters / social media)
- Which class
- A brief description of the event
We love to know about:
- Exciting places visited
- Events outside of school
- Books your child is enjoying and why (It might encourage others to read the same book)
Please send your photos to:
We look forward to sharing some of your exciting news next week!
Reminders for next week: (Week beginning18th November)
- On Friday 22nd November children are welcome to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for bottles of drink for the bottle tombola.
- On Friday 29th November children are welcome to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for chocolate / sweets / cans or still drinks in the Infant Department. In the Junior Department children are asked to bring cakes.
News from around our busy school!

Reception have been working like scientists!

We have had a fantastic week in RA! We have been scientists and we have been conducting our very own investigations. We explored light and dark and investigated which materials would make the best shadow puppets. We also celebrated Remembrance Day and made poppies to remind us of people who died in the war.

Year 1 have been learning different painting techniques and experimenting with brush strokes. We looked at how different sizes brushes leave different sized strokes on the paper.

In our English lessons, we have immersed ourselves into our text ‘The Night Gardener.’ We stepped inside some of the images and created our very own freeze frames.

We developed our culinary skills this week by cracking eggs, seasoning and chopping ingredients to make a quiche. We learned about the importance of protein for our bodies to help repair our muscles.

Nursery have been showing care and concern for living things and the environment.

4S Future Picasso’s at Gilmour practising primary, secondary and tertiary colours.

4P have been loving Deaf Active this week,

6S have taken inspiration from Picasso and have been experimenting with cubism in Art.

In Computing this week 5W have been learning about and trying out different filming techniques.

5B enjoying practising their Basketball skills this week in P.E
Your News!

Dottie got tiny tumbler of the week in her tumbling class. She did her first unsupported back flip at age 5.

Nathan loved going to the museum of science and industry and even got to play on very old video games as part of an exhibition.

Asa has been doing boxing for over a year and he got a trophy and certificate for it he had little exam and passed.

Emi wanted me to share photographs from Comic Con Liverpool where she helped on a stall for Alder Hey from 7am-7pm Saturday and Sunday! A very busy and tiring weekend for her but we raised nearly £2000 so it was all worth it! She did manage to look around the con and spend a small fortune on stickers so it wasn’t all hard work!

long with other members of the Gilmour Primary family, Faye was selected to carry the flag for the Rainbows in the Remembrance Day service at St Mary’s Church.
Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers, Guides, Squirrels and Scouts were all represented and the depth of maturity and care demonstrated by them all was astounding. We should all be very proud of these amazing young people.