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Gilmour Newsletter – Week ending 8th March
Dear parents,
Thank you for all your support over our wonderful World Book Week. The children have had an amazing time. We hope that you enjoy our news letter.
Nature Saving Society – Hump Back Whale update
We are very proud that our Nature Saving Society raised funds before Christmas to adopt a Hump Back Whale. Every so often we receive an update. Here is the latest update on our Hump Back Whale.
Letters you might have missed
A week of World Book Day Celebrations at Gilmour Primary
Our World Book Day films:
Infant Department
We started off our week with a “Come and Read” afternoon at the Junior site on Monday.

Reception pupils had a fantastic day finding out how the police can help us.

World Book Day – The Day the Crayons Quit!

Year 6 went all Harry Potter on us !

The Year 4 team searching for the yellow brick road at playtime !

Celebration assembly for World Book Day

We have had lots of fun in RT this week. We have been retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

2J – World Book Day Fun! Our families came to read their favourite stories to us, we dressed up as our favourite book characters, entered a book ‘selfie’ competition and took part in a book swap!

RQ – Come and Read in Class

Year 6 had lots of fun today for World Book Day !



On Thursday afternoon Year 6 spent time at the Infant site reading with pupils from each year.

2J Dressed up as their favourite book characters, entered a book ‘selfie’ competition and took part in a book swap!

1M – We have been using our senses to see, hear, smell, taste and feel the world around us!

Community News
Oscar would like to share that he won player of the month at Judo last night. His family are very proud of him.

Gladiators ready!
Woody was lucky enough to meet two Gladiators!